Retirement Tools


Retirement Guides & Presentations

Retirement Guide - Prepared at the request of staff members, the Officers and Councilors and the Personnel Pre-Retirement Subcommittee. It the single best resource for an overview of the various considerations, benefits and privileges associated with retiring as a Mayo Voting/Consulting Staff member. This outlines some of the key elements of the Medical Care Plan, Pension Plan, Social Security, etc.

The Pre-Retirement Planning Seminar - held by the Office of Staff Services.

Medical Planning

The administrative staff in the Office of Staff Services remain the primary and best resource for specific individual benefits information.

Financial Planning and Benefits

The Financial Advisors in the Office of Staff Services are the best resource for specific individual benefits information. Contact the Office for an appointment.

Contact OSS:


Arizona - 480-342-0064
Support Services Building 1-459 (Phoenix Campus)

Florida - 904-953-6254
Vincent A. Stabile Building 352N

Rochester 507-266-0490
Mayo Building, Lobby Level 126W

Resources after Retiring

  • Learning To Let Go: The Opportunity of Retirement - This is written as an introductory Retirement Survival Guide.
  • Retirement Checklist
  • Retaining Mayo E-mail Address - You may retain your Mayo e-mail address and in fact are encouraged to do so after retirement so we can keep you in the loop. You just need to maintain an active password. If you do not have an active Mayo e-mail address, contact your Emeritus office or the Mayo Clinic Helpdesk.
  • Emeriti Travel - You receive a one-time, taxable lump sum for a trip within the first three years of retirement. You must make your own travel arrangements using the lump sum and personal funds.

Executive Services for Medical Benefit Issues

  • Dedicated service for Consulting/Voting and Emeriti staff
  • Assist with your benefit or claim inquiries, delivering timely, high quality resolution
  • Direct collaboration with Medica, Medica ONESource, and Alluma

Contacts: 507-284-4944 or 1-877-721-8222 or

To learn more about Executive Services and what they can provide, see...Presentation About Executive Services