Digital Connections

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...Find all the information you need in one place!

The only constant is change - Heraclitus

Since 2021 all current and former Mayo personnel who use a personal computer or mobile device to remotely access the Mayo network using VPN will no longer be able to do so. This is being done to reduce the security threats posed from personally owned computers (non-Mayo managed) connecting to the Mayo network through VPN.

Access will still be available using workstations inside the Mayo environment. Alternative ways to access many of the tools and resources within the Mayo network are being made available from outside the Mayo firewall. This does not apply to those who have a Mayo supported device i.e., those still working on contract or supplemental.

This page introduces new ways to access Mayo information or tools. Two things are key for access: 

  • Your LAND ID and and active password
  • Microsoft Authenticator replacing RSA ID for two step verification

More about these below...

What will we be able to use and/or access now or in the future outside the firewall?

  • Outlook on the web ( with enhanced capabilities e.g. downloading attachments
  • Microsoft Office 365 Suite of tools (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • “One Drive” a part of the MS Office 365 Suite can provide storage for your documents and replace your “H” drive.
  • Mayo specific tools:
    1. Mayo Clinic Library
    2. Ask Mayo Expert
    3. Change your password - formerly ChangePass
  • Employee Mobile App - a way to get full access to the Mayo Clinic News Center Weekly

Microsoft Authenticator - Key to the Kingdom

The graphic below shows the doorway Microsoft Authenticator provides for emeriti staff to access services, information and resources previously locked behind the Mayo Clinic firewall. Virtually everything for the Emeriti Website requires this for two step verification at some point e.g. you can go directly to "Ask Mayo Expert" or the Library with only your login credential, but eventually you will need to renew your password and that requires the Authenticator tool.

Many sites and tools are now accessible outside the firewall.  However, most require the Microsoft Authenticator app to access or login (a two-step verification process); hence it is basically the key to a kingdom of resources and helps maintain a higher level of security. Here is the link on how to install this new app.

To install this new app, go to Microsoft Authenticator in the sidebar on the right for instructions.

The Microsoft Authenticator app will make it easier to access these resources and help you keep your password up to date. The Emeriti Website is the singular exception since no login is necessary to view all its contents and features.

Tech Tips & Tricks #1

For Change Password, Ask Mayo Expert, Mayo Library, Outlook on the Web

Did you know?

  • You can now access Ask Mayo Expert and the Mayo library from outside the firewall. You will only need your LAN ID and Password for this. To connect, insert the following URL into your browser search window and hit Enter:
    • - Ask Mayo Expert                   
    • - The Mayo Library 
  • Now you can change your password without finding a Mayo computer, being on site or using VPN to remotely access the network.  Please see the note below*
    • Insert into your browser search window and hit Enter for the instructions on changing your password.
    • Then login with your LAN ID and password.

* (If your password has expired, call the helpdesk at (507) 284-5500 to get that restored.)

  • With Outlook Web Access (OWA) you now can download documents, photos and other attachments within your Mayo email.

With OWA, you can access your email from any Internet connection whether or not the computer is equipped with Outlook.  It provides almost all the same functionality found in Outlook, including spell check, signatures and HTML support.  In addition to email, with OWA you can access your calendar, contacts, tasks and folders through a secure connection. OWA also supports a wide range of file types including Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint slides and PDF files, even if those file types aren’t installed on your personal computer.

  • Insert into your browser search window and hit Enter.
  • Then login with your LAN ID and password. The next step requires Microsoft Authenticator installed on your mobile device for two- step verification unless you are already logged onto the Mayo network.

Tech Tips & Tricks #2

Mayo Video…what’s up!

Tracking your Continuing Medical Education (CME)

Mayo’s learning management system has the capability of tracking your CME. To access, log into on any computer (either inside or outside the Mayo firewall). 

Next steps:

  • Select Login in right upper menu bar and then enter your Mayo email or LAN ID plus password in the “Staff log in” field (lower section of dialog box).
  • On next page select “My Account” in one of the upper menu bars.
  • Then select “My Courses” and there you have option to view
    • Active registered courses
    • Your Transcript
    • Option to self-enter CME programs

Read all About It!

You now can directly open the Mayo Clinic News Center so that you can see the news featured in the weekly headlines you receive in your Mayo email. Select one of the links or headlines and in the dialog box that opens, simply insert your LAN ID and Mayo password. You will see the news found in its regular sections:  Around Mayo, Benefits, Bigger Picture, Patient Stories, Practice/Education/Research and Work Life.

A new Mayo Clinic Employee app now lets you open both the Mayo Clinic News Center and also the Mayo Directory.

  • To install the Mayo Employee app, go to the right sidebar on this page showing Mayo "Clinic Employee App." 
  • Once the Mayo Clinic Employee app is installed, you’ll only need your Mayo LAN ID and password to login.

To launch Office 365, go to You will need to have the Microsoft Authenticator app. If you do not have MS Authenticator, go to the right sidebar on this page for how to install.

Office 365 suite of products now outside the firewall

You’ll find familiar tools like Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook programs, but you’ll also find a new tool - the amazing OneDrive.   This is a cloud storage option equivalent to your H drive.


OneDrive...Your new "H" Drive Replacement

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  • Mayo Clinic News Center - you can get the news featured in the weekly headlines you receive in your Mayo email. Just select one of the links or headlines and in the dialog box that opens simply insert your LAN ID and Mayo password. You will then see the news found in its regular sections

  • Mayo library - Go to Mayo Clinic Library ( and log in with your LAN ID and password.
  • Ask Mayo Expert - Go to Ask Mayo Expert (  and select "Sign in" on the top right. On the next page go to "Mayo Clinic Staff Log in" at the bottom of the page to sign in with your LAN ID and password
  • Tracking & Registering for your Continuing Medical Education (CME)
    Mayo’s learning management system has the capability of tracking your CME. To access, log into on any computer (either inside or outside the Mayo firewall). 
    - For instructions on viewing your registered courses, viewing your transcript or for self-entry, click HERE.
    Registration fees are waived for Emeriti attending Mayo CME courses. You are responsible for tracking your CME credits.
  • Microsoft Authenticator (MS Authenticator) - For detailed instruction on installing, go Here.
  • Adding MS Authenticator to a new device  - For detailed instruction on installing, go here

For the following you need to be registered for MS Authenticator. If not, install the app above first.

  • Change Password -go to Office (, and log in with your LAN ID and password. You will be asked for verification from MS Authenticator. Then open the settings menu (gear shaped icon   on the right side of the Office 365 menu bar). Select "Change Your Password" from the list and enter the requested information and then Submit. Detailed instruction are Here.
  • Change to a non-expiring password - This only can be done when you are INSIDE the Mayo firewall. For example, you can do it from a computer in the Emeriti center. In a web browser, go to the user password change page. Follow the directions on the page to change your password. Choose a password that meets the requirements described. Be certain to click the box that says "Set this password to non-expiring". See more information here.
  • Mayo Video Connection -
    - For live webcasts go to:  Mayo Live Webcasts   
    The schedule of events is HERE)
  • For Archived Mayo videos, go the Video Exchange at:    
  • Outlook Web Access (OWA) - go to Outlook ( and then login with your LAN ID and password.  
  • Mayo Clinic Employee App - 
    • For iOS (iPad, iPhone) device users, go Here for detailed instruction on installation.
    • For Android device users, go Here for detailed instruction on installation.
  • Mayo Classified Ads - 
    • Mayo Clinic employees, volunteers and retirees may submit advertisements; email for submission guidelines information.
    • To place an ad for a retiree, send an email to with the following information:
      *    Site/Region: (choices) e.g. Arizona , Florida , Rochester
      *    Ad Title:
      *    Ad Body:
      *    Contact Info: (Must include your name)
    • You may attach up to 3 pictures per ad. Please send photos as JPEGs.  
    • Ads will stay posted for 30 days before they automatically drop off.
    • If an item sells before the 30 day period or if an ad needs to be renewed after 30 days or edited, just send another email.
  • Office 365 Suite
    Go to Office  ( and log in. The tools menu can be found in all the office apps. either in the sidebar or in upper left hand corner as shown.
  • OneDrive - your cloud based server equivalent to your "H Drive." Materials on your "H drive" will remain unaffected and still be accessible.
  • Procedure for Moving Outlook messages (PST files) stored on "H" drive back into Outlook (Click Here)